Once Again With Feeling - Chapter 16 - SavageThor - Harry Potter (2025)

Chapter Text

Hermione sighed as she leaned back into couch within the den of her childhood home. Her parents had both headed into work as this was the last day their dental practice would be open for the holiday season as they wouldn’t reopen until after the New Year. That meant she was alone, actually alone with no one else around her for the first time in months. The TV was on, but it was more watching her than she was watching it, not a particularly unusual occurrence for her in truth.

Her Order of Merlin medal was on full display over the mantel of the fireplace. She’d also been given a certificate which was hung and framed alongside her parents dental degrees. She’d been surprised when her father placed them in such prominent positions, but her parents had been proud of her accomplishment. She was the youngest woman to ever be inducted into the Order of Merlin and while most people who visited her home would never see the medal or certificate for what they truly were, her parents were proud of her nonetheless.

A book sat on the coffee table in front of her, a fantasy book, part of a series about a boy who discovered he was the son of a Greek God in the modern era. It was a good read and had fully pulled her into the story as before she realized it she was nearing the end. She wondered absently if the author was a wizard, maybe even a muggleborn like her.

Her wand sat beside the book, well within reach just in case. While she wasn’t supposed to be casting any spells as she still feel under the Underage Sorcery Decree, she wasn’t letting her wand out of her sight. While the ICW had done a good job of getting rid of the Death Eaters she knew they hadn’t got all of them especially not so soon after she, a muggleborn, had just been awarded an Order of Merlin and that was sure to set someone off.

“Hermione, I’m home!”

The sound of her mothers voice snapped her out of her musing and had her rising from the couch. Stepping into the hall she felt her eyes widen upon seeing not just her mom but the people accompanying her as Susan, Katie, Daphne, Sue, Padma and Parvati were all standing within the hall.

“Wha..., how…?” started the shocked girl before cutting herself off.

“I found them outside debating about who was going to ring the bell.” Said her mother.

“You were broadcasting what you were reading off and on. We want the rest of the story.” Said Susan causing Hermione to blush.

“Sorry.” Said Hermione softly.

“It’s fine.”

“Have any of you girls eaten lunch yet?” questioned Mrs. Granger already knowing her daughter hadn’t if she was absorbed in a book.

“No, we figured we’d get something when we were here. It’s not a good idea to eat before or immediately after getting on the Knight Bus.” Said Katie.

“Alright I’ll order a pizza, you girls can make use of the den.” Said the woman before pinning each of them with a look that all moms seemed to know how to use.

“I know you all have a complicated relationship, and I accept it. But I expect all of you to keep your clothes on, am I understood.”

“MUM!” exclaimed Hermione blushing hotly

“We understand.” Said Katie while the other girls blushed and nodded.

Go on then.” Said Mrs. Granger with a small smile.

The smile didn’t leave her face even as Daphne grabbed her daughter by the hand and pulled her into the den with the rest of the girls swiftly following after her. Turning she entered the kitchen and did her best not to squeal in happiness, her daughter had friends over!

“This is the one.”

The words from Harry had Sirius and Ted looking up from the files they were looking over. They were currently in the office in Potter Manor, each of them with a file in hand and a stack sitting to the side. Passing his folder over to Ted he was not surprised when he raised an eyebrow.

“That’s one hell of a price tag.” Said Ted passing the folder to Sirius.

“It’s worth it.” Said Harry.

“It’s nice but Ted’s right about the price pup.” Said Sirius.

“So we talk them down.” Said Harry shrugging.

“Talk them down, how?” questioned Ted.

“We make them a counteroffer, something that can’t be refused.” Said Harry.

“You sound like your father, but a counter offer like that won’t be easy to come up with.” Said Sirius.

“You’re a marauder, we’ll figure it out.” Said Harry.

“Alright, let’s table this one for now. What else?” Said Sirius placing the folder down on the coffee table in front of him.

“Twilight Arts, the publisher behind the Harry Potter books reached out.” Said Ted looking over the stack of folders and picking two out.

“This first one is fairly simple, it’s just a renewal of the publishing rights for the books they’ve already sold.” Said Ted passing the folder to Sirius when Harry waved it off.

“I’d rather not, those stories are all fake.” Said Harry.

“While that’s true, they aren’t bad books. Certainly exaggerated but they are for children and contain some nice lessons.” Said Ted.

“It’s a descent offer, but I want to know more. Find out everything you can about the company and how the previous books have all sold. Once we know how much profit they gained we’ll have a better idea.” Said Sirius.

“Alright the second one is a little more complicated. They want the publishing rights for your second year at Hogwarts.” Said Ted causing Harry’s eyes to widen in shock.


“Not surprising. Three people were rewarded Order of Merlin’s for that adventure.” Said Sirius.

“That story is a matter of public record right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if more offers came, Twilight is just ahead of the pack.” Said Ted.

“No use worrying about that now. We’ll come back to that down the road.” Said Sirius getting a nod from Ted who placed both folders down.

“Alright that’s everything. You two actually went through these faster than I was expecting.” Said Ted getting a sigh of relief from Sirius, as he leaned back into his seat and looked over at the clock.

“That’s good, we’ll need to leave in a bit if we want to be on time.” Said Sirius causing Ted to look over as well before quickly beginning to pack up his things.

“You’ll be with the Longbottoms today right?” questioned Sirius looking to Harry.

“Yeah, they’re taking us to pick up our dress robes for the ball and finish our Christmas shopping.” Said Harry.

“Be careful out there. Last minute shopping is the worst, trust me.” Said Sirius before three of them stood from their seats.

“Oh, what are we doing for New Years?” questioned Harry.

“The Ministry is having a New Years party that I’m trying to convince Amy to skip.” Said Sirius getting Ted to snort.

“Good luck with that. Even if she’s not interested she still has to show up.” Said Ted.

“I’ll figure out a way.” Said Sirius.

“Well there’s a fireworks display near Hermione’s every year. I was thinking maybe we could go.” Said Harry.

“We used to go to one all the time when Dora was little” said Ted his tone full of remembrance.

Sirius didn’t ask if Harry had ever been to one, he already knew the answer based on his previous knowledge of the Dursleys. While that family had probably gone to several they’d more than likely stuck Harry with Mrs. Figg to make sure he missed out.

“You know that’s not a bad idea.” Said Sirius getting a small smile from his godson.

Harry was the first to step through the floo to Longbottom Hall. Once Harry had gone Sirius and Ted stepped through the floo to Grimmauld Place and from there the two men headed immediately out the door to a waiting Bentley limo where Narcissa was already seated.

Juniper Row was a magical shopping district similar to Diagon Alley though there were certainly differences. While in Diagon Alley you could find a little of everything that was not the case with Juniper Row as this was a place for clothing. Specifically the placed specialized in bespoke clothing for men and Haute Couture clothing for women, meaning everything was custom made and as such nothing could be found in bulk.

There were other stores of course, one that sold wand handles, one that made custom trunks and several high-end jewelry stores. Even Madam Malkin had a store there, this one catering exclusively to witches and using much more high-quality fabrics.

Thus far Harry and Neville had already picked up their robes for the ball after going through a final fitting to make sure everything was correct. Then they’d gone to the shoemaker to pick up their orders from him and now they were simply browsing trying to find the last of their gifts for Christmas.

At the moment Neville was the only one still shopping as Harry had found the last of the gifts he’d planned on getting at the last shop they’d visited. Neville however was currently looking through a jewelry case while Harry and Alice stood back to give him space to make his choices.

“We heard about the meeting.” As Alice said this Harry gave her a short look and sighed before shaking his head, he was actually sick of talking about that Gryffindor meeting now.

“Don’t blame Neville. We heard through other sources and Neville merely straightened a few of the details out.” Said Alice which was a point in Neville’s favor in Harry’s opinion.

“You did good, Harry. You protected three families without drawing a single drop of blood or having any blood feuds declared.” Said the woman getting Harry to relax just a bit.

“I don’t care what anyone else says about it, don’t let them get into your head, you don’t need to second guess anything you said.” Said Alice looping her right arm around Harry’s.

“Thanks.” Said Harry quietly

“There’s something else I need to talk to you about. Come by in a couple days, after the ball.” Said Alice

“Okay, sure.” Said Harry, if it could wait he was really hoping she didn’t have anything bad to tell him.

The Burrow was full, a rare occasion in itself as all of Arthur’s children were home, even Charlie had come home from Romania. Percy was also home, his time in the Ministry hadn’t gone exactly as he’d expected as apparently he’d lined up a position with Crouch Sr before he graduated and lost that once the man had been arrested and subsequently lost his employ with the Ministry. The only one not present was Molly but Arthur was trying not to think about that as his feelings regarding the mother of his children were complicated. None of the bonded of his boys were there, currently home with their own families.

“Alright I have an announcement to make.” Said Arthur getting the attention of all of his children.

“Firstly after a lot of thought I have taken up the Headship of House Weasley.” As he said this he held up his hand causing the ring to be seen by all of them causing several eyes to widen in shock.

“Because of this after the New Year we will be leaving The Burrow and moving into Whitemarsh Manor.” Said Arthur.

“That’s where grandma Cedrella lives right?” questioned Ginny.

“It is. As all of you should know it has been the seat of House Weasley for generations. On the plus side it comes with more space so all of you will have your own rooms.” Said Arthur looking pointedly at Fred, George, Ron and Ginny.

“William, Charlie and Percy, I know your situations are a little different especially you Charlie. Percy I know you’ve been saving up for your own place, but you have a room at the Manor if you want it.”

Percy blushed at being singled out, truthfully he didn’t really want to move out so much anymore, he’d just been doing it because he told himself he would.

“Bill initially I planned on gifting you Shell Cottage when you married, your bonding took me a bit by surprise.” Said Arthur, though he wasn’t the only one as Bill had been just as surprised.

“So I’m giving you the choice since I know you’re used to a certain amount of freedom now. You can still take Shell Cottage but I’m hoping you’ll stay here. I think I can trust you with the place.” Said Arthur causing Bill’s eyes to widen.

“Are you sure?” questioned Bill.

“Despite what your mother did, a lot of my fondest memories are here. It’s where you all grew up, I want to make sure it’s protected.” Said Arthur.

“Then yes, I’ll take over here.” Said Bill.

“Good. It’s not going to be an immediate move. I’m having the place looked over and renovated a bit, so the move won’t happen until you lot are off at Hogwarts.” Said Arthur.

The next few days seemed to fly by and before Harry knew it December 23rd had arrived, and he was preparing to depart for the Yule Ball. Remus and Andi were back and though not yet cured both of them were hopeful that the procedure would be ready for human trials within the next month, especially as using the funds he and Sirius provided they were able to bring on more people and supplies.

Currently Potter Manor was packed as all of his girls, including Ciri his actual date, and their families had come. Professor Drake had come with Ciri, apparently she had helped raise her as Ciri, like Harry, was an orphan.

Penny’s parents had come as well, though her father Martin Clearwater, while impressed with the Manor had been a little put off with him, though explained that was more due to his age and the number of girls he’d bonded with and had to bond with still. He’d expressed his worry that he would not have time for all of them and people would begin to feel neglected. Harry hadn’t been able to promise that such a thing wouldn’t happen instead stating it was a problem they were aware of and were working on trying to figure out daily.

Thankfully Mr. Clearwater, Mr. Granger and Mr. Bell got on well and after touring the house, the men had taken over the bar area on the lower level. The women had settled within the sitting room on the main floor after arriving with the girls from their day out.

Apparently the girls had all pretty much been together not just that day but the previous one as well getting ready for the ball, joined by the Longbottom and Weasley covens, though those two groups had not come to Potter Manor. The previous day had been used as a spa day while today the girls had gone to get their hair and nails were done. Dora had even had both days off work, apparently Frank hadn’t scheduled her knowing that she would be attending the ball as a Champion’s date ahead of time.

Luna, despite not being able to attend the ball had come over by floo and after informing him that what she’d previously seen regarding his bondings was in flux, constantly changing. Apparently she had not seen Ciri in her previous visions and things changed depended on not just if but how he and Ciri bonded. Unfortunately Luna wouldn’t tell him any particulars, she was clear that him knowing more had too big of an impact and wasn’t worth it.

After delivering that news she gravitated to Astoria and Gabrielle and from what he understood the three girls would be going to the Burrow via floo once Harry and the girls had made their departures for the ball.

As for Harry himself while he hadn’t put anywhere near as much effort into getting ready as the girls he had cleaned up well. He’d gotten his hair cut back down to the length it had been at the beginning of the summer and like his memories he wore a pair of black slacks and a white dress shirt. He also still wore the bow tie only this one was black and that is where the similarities ended. His outer robe now took the form of a medieval style tailcoat, black with silver trim and embroidery that also boasted an internal holster for his wand.

His shoes were black dragonhide cut low around the ankles that could pass as a pair of oxfords in the muggle world and around his left wrist he wore a watch that had been gifted to him by Frank and Alice for his last birthday. Noting the time he headed down to the ground floor where his appearance was greeted with appreciation.

Once Again With Feeling - Chapter 16 - SavageThor - Harry Potter (1)

The first of the girls to emerge was Katie who wore a strapless golden yellow dress with a ‘V’ shaped plunge that showed the valley between her breasts, decorated with crystals in designs that Harry was honestly to stunned to make out. Her hair was in an elaborate style that let it flow down, parted on the right with a golden band keeping her hair in place.Around her neck the LPA issued choker was gone and in its place was a golden one with four lion heads separated by individual links. It was only as Harry greeted her that the key feature of his robe was displayed as the body of his robe shifted color to match her dress.

The twins were the next to come down first Padma wearing a bright turquoise dress, it was strapless with sleeves that went nearly to her shoulders. Her hair had also been taken from its usual ponytail and looked like it was bound behind her head while a pair of long curled strands came down on both of her shoulders. Her choker was covered in diamonds to match her earrings.

Parvati wore a soft pink sleeveless dress with soft ruffles down the skirt, her hair was down and lightly curled down the lower end, at least from what Harry could see. Her arms were sleeveless but like her sister she wore diamond earrings and a diamond choker. While Padma was a bit bashful in her approach, Parvati’s inner Gryffindor was out and she approached him with an extra sway in her hips before meeting him for a kiss.

“Don’t disappoint us tonight Harry.” Whispered the girl in his ear with a clear warning in her voice.

“Wouldn’t dream of it Parv.” Returned Harry just as quietly.

Susan was the next to step down the stairs wearing Hufflepuff yellow dress with thin straps on her shoulders, with a very high slit up one of her legs, her auburn red hair was down and loosely curled. The dress hugged her frame, the skirt going straight down instead of being wide as was typical for balls. Like the other dresses so far crystals decorated her dress calling attention to her large breast, hips and that ass that was usually hidden by witches robes. Around her neck was a chain link silver choker with House Bones crest, a horned skull over a pair of crossed swords in the center, a holdover from when one of her grandfathers, William Bones, had been a pirate in the 1600’s before he became Lord Bones.

Following after her was Dora, badger pride on display as she wore a yellow and black dress with high slits that went up both thighs giving a great view of her legs. The back and sides of the skirt portion was double layered with the inner layer black and the outer layer yellow with ruffles. Her hair was up with bangs framing the sides of her face while a gold hairband sat atop her head while her neck sparkled as her choker was covered in diamonds in five alternating rows with four different cuts with including canary yellow squares.

Sue Li was the next down wearing a strapless black dress with a deep ‘V’ between her breasts. Beneath her breast and down the sides the material was sheer while the material covering her breasts was noticeably darker. Black crystals decorated her dress, but the colors were so close they almost blended though they also made the dress shine. The skirt of her dress was made with much darker material which fell to her ankles. Her hair was actually down swept behind one ear and worn over the shoulder on the other side. Around her neck she wore a simple black choker made of cloth with a teardrop diamond hanging from some kind of metal flower to match her earrings.

Ciri came down next wearing a sleeveless red dress with black accents. Black sleeves covered her arms that billowed over the elbow. Her platinum blonde hair was mostly in a bun but was layered so that some of her hair still fell around her shoulders. The LPA choker was still around her neck, the number 5 visible showing that she was still unbonded.

Once Again With Feeling - Chapter 16 - SavageThor - Harry Potter (2)

Penny came down next wearing a cream color strapless dress decorated with crystals including five that ran down the front of the skirt that got larger with each placement. Her hair was in some kind of layered look worn down her back, though part of it shaded her left eye and around her neck was a diamond choker.

Daphne followed her wearing a gold dress with green accents that looked like scales especially in the skirt. Her arms had transparent sleeves that went to the center of her upper arms to her wrists that seemed to exist solely to support the golden jewelry weaved into the material. There was a large golden snake pin coiled in her hair on the left side of her head, and she wore a gold choker with a jade stone in the center.

Hermione came down next wearing a periwinkle-blue decorated in crystals that would have made Cinderella’s fairy godmother put in more effort. Her hair was worn up styled into a bun at the nape of her neck while a long slightly curled bang hung down over her right shoulder and she wore a hairband made of matching crystals. She wore small silver earrings, and her choker glittered with diamonds and what looked like the petals of a periwinkle blue four leaf clover embedded inside the center crystal.

Fleur was the last to emerge and seemed to float down the stairs with the grace that only a supernatural creature like a veela could possess. She wore a sleeveless silver dress decorated with crystals, along with a pair of sleeves that went from her upper arms to just beneath her elbows that were also decorated with crystals and a bit of thicker material for designs. Her blonde hair was worn long and in layers with a tiara style hairband in the center of her head that went well with the diamond earrings and choker she wore.

“Alright let’s get some pictures.” Said Mrs. Granger a bright smile on her face.

“Do we have time for that?” questioned Mr. Granger.

“We’ll make time Daniel. They are travelling by magic firstly and secondly I will not miss this opportunity to finally have something to rub in Regina’s face after listening to her spew on about her daughters constantly.” Said Mrs. Granger producing a camera from her purse.

“My daughter is wearing a dress, voluntarily, I definitely need a picture.” Said Mrs. Bell producing her own camera

Katie blushed lightly at this but didn’t say anything. Her mother had thought she was a lesbian for the last year due to the fact she dressed like a boy at home. Hermione was in a similar boat when it came to her mother’s excitement, though judging from what they’d seen in Hermione’s memories none of the bonded blamed the woman, her sister and her nieces were right bitches, end of story. Mrs. Clearwater didn’t say a word though she too produced a camera from her purse as did Andi, the latter of which was a bit of a surprise to the purebloods considering she was one herself.

After numerous pictures were taken they finally left Potter Manor stepping through the floo and into Hogwarts Chamber of Reception where eight floo stations were installed on one side of the hall looking similar to the Ministry’s entrance area. Harry was the first to step through the flames with Ciri following immediately after, by virtue of being his date, and then each of the members of the Potter Coven followed after with Dora as the last to step through all of them with shawls wrapped around them from head to shoulder.

Each floo station had a pair of ministry workers that helped steady them upon entry, cleared them of soot and helped them clear the grates for the next person to pass through. Professor Vilgefortz overlooked the entire process greeting the students warmly though he regarded the ministry workers seriously. From the Reception Chamber they passed into the Entrance Hall where a small crowd of students were already gathered, and Harry received just a few looks entering with Ciri on his arm and the rest of his girls paired up behind them. That didn’t much bother him, but he did smile when Penny was recognized by one of the older Ravenclaw boys and he had no doubt the beauty of all of his bonded would be well known after tonight. Fleur coming in last with Dora on her arm got tongues wagging especially after Dora was recognized by one of the older Hufflepuff boys.

“Mr. Potter, ladies welcome all of you.” Professor Flitwick’s jovial tone had a little something extra in it as he greeted them.

“There is still some time until the doors open, the Headmistress wanted the Champions here a bit earlier to make sure you were all on time. While you wait I’d advise you head to Classroom Eleven, there are picture booths set up that will be going into the yearbook.”

Classroom Eleven while on the ground floor and close to the Great Hall was one of the many unused classrooms within the castle. Stepping inside they found the room had been transformed into an outside winter wonderland the size of platform 9 ¾ with actual snow on the ground and in the trees with a winding stone pathway clear of snow that led to a massive painting of the castle that took up the entirety of the enlarged back wall.

Aside from the photographer the room was empty, though they soon learned that was because they waited for the Champions to arrive to open the room up. Professors Merigold and Drake showed up while they were taking the pictures allowing Ciri to get one with both of them. Harry also got individual pictures with both of them, something the girls insisted on over the bond as they were hopeful he would eventually bond with both of them. Viktor arrived not long after they finished up accompanied by a very pretty black girl from Beauxbatons named Gisèle Battier that Fleur had apparently introduced Viktor to.

They hung around in the Entrance Hall as people began steadily arriving and before long the hall had begun to fill up. Neville and his girls arrived not long after they left Classroom Eleven while the Weasley boys and their bonded descended from the Grand Staircase as they decided to get ready at the castle. Finally the Champions and their dates were called to the front of the room and told that the ball was about to start and that they would enter in the order their names were drawn by the Goblet. Soon enough the doors of the Great Hall opened allowing the students to pour in and several minutes later after they had time to settle the Champions were allowed to make their own entrance with Viktor and his date going first, Fleur and Dora entering second and Harry bringing up the rear with Ciri.

Harry remembered being incredibly nervous the first time he’d done this but as he entered the room with Ciri he felt none of those nerves. Instead he felt relaxed and even being under such scrutiny didn’t really phase him, now that he actually knew how to dance and felt comfortable doing so. Honestly he really wished that he’d been offered lessons last time instead of just being forced to participate against his protests with no preparation and often wondered if that was another of Dumbledore’s subtle manipulations at play before quickly shaking such thoughts away to focus on the present.

The Professors were all inside though spaced out as they entered and Harry could see McGonagall standing at the front of the room, though the raised dais the professors usually sat at were nowhere to be seen. There were several Ministry workers present including the Minister and he saw Percy standing in the crowd with Audrey instead of acting as a Ministry flunky. Hagrid stood with Madam Maxine, and he spied Karkaroff skulking on a wall with Moody seated on a bench not far from him.

Instead of being directed immediately to the dance floor they were directed to the Champions table which was in the same spot he remembered it was in and the same size only those placed there were different. Instead of the judges sitting with them the other seats were taken by the rest of the Potter Coven. They were joined by a pretty blonde witch who introduced herself as Amber Evergreen who was part of the D.M.G.S for the British Ministry and apparently a friend of Dora’s from their school days though Evergreen was a Claw instead of a Puff like Dora.

“Just a heads up the menu’s are extensive. When you find something you’d like to order just tap the menu with your wand and it will be provided.” Said the woman demonstrating by ordering three baskets of bread for the table.

“Ms. Evergreen I have to ask has there been any updates on how Harry’s name came from the Goblet?” questioned Hermione.

“I’m not sure, that investigation is being handled by the D.M.L.E, all I have are a couple of rumored theories that have floated through the Ministry halls.” Said the woman.

“Like the one that Harry is so powerful that the Goblet conjured up his name itself?” questioned Susan.

“That’s one of the wilder ones that floated around.” Said Ms. Evergreen however before more could be said McGonagall called the attention of the room to herself.

“Welcome all of you to the Tri-Wizard Tournaments traditional Yule Ball. While I’m sure all of you are eager to begin the festivities I have a quick announcement.” Said the Hogwarts Headmistress causing the students to perk up as her last few announcements had been well received.

“Firstly it has been decided that the first game of the Tri-Wizard Quidditch Tournament will be held on Saturday January 10th and will be Durmstrang Institute against Beauxbatons Academy. The winner of this game will face Hogwarts on Saturday January 23rd.”

This news was met with much excitement and Harry shared a grin with Katie while a feeling of fond exasperation came over the bond which he knew immediately was from Hermione. Ciri shot Katie a challenging look and immediately got one back in return which they all understood as Ciri was a Chaser on the Beauxbatons team.

The dinner went great at least at the Champion’s table lasting around an hour and a half with the first 20 minutes or so spent waiting on the food. Usually they didn’t wait that long for food at Hogwarts but this time rather than preparing the food beforehand it was all cooked after being ordered. Harry didn’t really mind as the conversation around him was engaging and managed to pull everyone in. By the time Harry’s food arrived, prime rib paired with mashed potatoes and broccoli, he found he was quite comfortable in his present company. That di not however mean that he neglected to run a diagnostic spell over his plate when it finally arrived.

Viktor surprisingly followed his lead and got the prime rib while Ciri went with the filet mignon. Hermione got some kind of pasta and Daphne much like the rest of his table went with seafood, specifically hers was a lobster tail. Conversation naturally slowed when the food arrived but the silence was a comfortable one with a few of them comparing what they ordered. There was a bit of amusement when Padma pulled some hot sauce from her purse and added a couple dashes to her plate before considering it adequate.

Eventually the food was gone and plates were cleared allowing the conversation to pick back up. Harry was content to sit back with his glass of coke and listen especially as Viktor, Fleur, Ciri and Gisèle were explaining what their own schools were like both academically and at this time of year specifically. His attention along with everyone else’s was soon called to the front as McGonagall announced the official start of the ball and invited the Champions to head to the dance floor.

As they took their positions Harry took a breath and let it out slowly, during his time practicing with Luna and Narcissa he’d learned several dances and was really just hoping he remembered all of it.

“Relax, this is supposed to be fun remember.” Said Ciri softly.

Taking another breath he let it out and with it the tension from his shoulders. Before either could speak again the music started and it was go time. The hours of training kicked in immediately and before long Harry and Ciri are moving and despite everything Harry doesn’t feel like an idiot.

“Impressive footwork Mr. Potter, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you weren’t new to this.” Said Ciri as the song came to an end.

“Thanks.” Said Harry softly.

“That’s the Black Family training for you.” Said Dora

Thankfully the Weird Sisters chose that moment to emerge and start the next song which was a lot more up-tempo. He shared two more dances with Ciri before the first partner swap where Parvati took her place for two dances and then Padma for two. The next dance was with Ciri, then Fleur, Daphne, Ciri, Hermione and Susan before Harry was finally able to take a break. That break lasted all of five minutes and he was back on the dance floor with Sue, then Penny, Dora, Ciri again and then Katie then Parvati started the cycle over.

By the time he finished his second go with Katie he was thankful his godmother made sure to get the comfort charms woven into his shoes. Still the girls finally took pity on him and let him sit down and he found himself plopping down next to Dean on the side of the room while the girls themselves headed to the loo.

“Jeez Harry I guess there is a downside to having all those witches.” Said Dean with a playful smile.

“Not a downside, just a challenge. Where’s Megan?” Said Harry

Harry and Susan worked together and secured Megan Jones as a date for Dean. Harry remembered last time Dean had taken Lavender to the ball but considering that was impossible this time around Harry had told him not to worry about finding himself a date after the situation with McLaggen was resolved. Dean, unlike Ron, didn’t actually need help securing a date as he’d become incredibly popular thanks to the LPA, but had taken Harry at his word and within an hour was all smiles.

“She and Leanne went off to the lav.” Said Dean.

“Have you seen Ron?” questioned Harry.

“He was pulled out of here by Lavender and Pansy a couple of songs ago.”

Looking up Harry and Dean were greeted to the sight of the Weasley twins making their way over without their dates. Angelina and Alicia had made them dress in different colors so for once they could easily be told apart since they both dressed to match their bonded.

“Anyway we’re heading out too. Just wanted to let you two know there are party favors in the Den if you need an extra kick.” Said Fred before he and George made their departures.

After only another couple of minutes Megan and Leanne returned each of them taking Dean by the hand and leading him from the room. Harry smirked and mentally wished him well at the sight while Leanne was average in terms of power Megan was a Sorceress one of the few remaining witches in the school that had gone untouched from what Susan told him.

Harry we’re going to the prefect’s bathroom. Ciri is on her way back to you. The rest of us will join you in an hour or so.”

Fleur’s voice coming over the bond broke him from his musing and looking up to see Ciri approaching he stood from his seat to meet her. Rather than remain inside the two of them decided to take a walk, the room had been getting stuffy with all of the people inside especially as there were plenty of people still dancing. Instead of heading outside and exploring the grounds they elected to avoid the cold and walk the halls.

The illusion that this was a regular night was shattered as they reached the Grand Staircase. Witches and wizards could be seen on various places on the stairs in various states of dress. Professor Vector was naked, bent over the railing of the first level stairs while Roger Davies was fucking her, breasts bouncing each time their bodies collided. Professor Babbling wasn’t far from them only she was on her knees bobbing her head enthusiastically as Anthony Rickett, one of the Hufflepuff Chasers, held her head in his hands. Moaning from further up had him looking towards it instinctively to see Professor Burbage naked and legs spread wide as she rode some wizard in a reverse position.

Looking over to Ciri he saw she was biting her lip softly and as their arms were linked a soft pull was enough to grab her attention. Doubling back Harry led them to a portrait of who Ciri recognized as George von Rheticus. The portrait greeted Harry with familiarity and after returning the greeting Harry provided a password ‘scurrilous scoundrel’ causing the portrait to swing open revealing a passageway behind it. They were in the passageway for less than a minute but when they came to the end they emerged within the seventh floor corridor.

The plan had been to take her to the Room of Requirements, but Ciri stopped that pulling him to the nearest door and opening it revealing one of the numerous abandoned rooms in the castle, this one an office full of dust. A twirl of her wand had the dust gathered into a ball in the center of the room which she quickly hit it with the Vanishing Spell. Another quick motion and a ball of flame leapt from her wand and into the fireplace causing the logs to immediately catch fire.

“Impressive.” Said Harry, Ciri had accomplished all of that within ten seconds.

“If you like that, watch this.”

With another quick movement of her wand her dress vanished only to appear folded neatly within a nearby chair and her shoes in front of it before she tossed her wand onto the pile. Ciri herself now stood naked with the exception of a black thong the center of which was made of a material sheer enough that he could just make out her pubic region and her large breasts sat proudly on her chest.

Once Again With Feeling - Chapter 16 - SavageThor - Harry Potter (3)

The magic involved was even more impressive considering she’d used the Switching Spell to switch her dress with the air, which isn’t what the spell was designed to do. Drawing his own wand he cast his own spells, first a locking charm on the door, though he didn’t bother to silence it. Then he mirrored Ciri and in the next moment stood naked with his clothes appearing within another chair with his shoes in front of the chair before tossing his own wand onto the pile.

As he approached Ciri spread her legs, one hand shifting the material of her panties to the side exposing her mound with only a small patch of hair above her pussy. In the next moment she released the hold on her magic allowing it to fill the room around them. Releasing the hold on his own magic he smirked as her nipples hardened and she slid two fingers into her pussy before pulling them out seconds later showing they were covered in her wetness.

He paused though as despite her magic filling the air he could tell there was more she was holding back.

“Stop holding back.” Said Harry causing her eyes to widen.

“Your magical senses really are strong. You’re the first person that’s ever just been able to tell. To be honest, I’m not holding back, not really. I just have a kind of special ability; I’ve never actually thought to use it during sex though so I don’t know what will happen.” Said Ciri.

“Well lets find out.” Said Harry his inner Gryffindor not allowing him to back down from the challenge.

“You sure, I can be kind of destructive.” Said Ciri.

Harry responded by taking himself in hand and stroking himself a few times. Ciri bit her bottom lip at the sight hesitating for only a few moments before the intensity of her magic increased and her eyes began glowing blue with power. Harry was surprised, it was almost like the effect that Fleur’s full allure had in its intensity, the feeling of submersion was there, he felt like he was immobilized, as if he’d been hit with a Full-Body Bind though none of his senses had dulled.

Ciri didn’t say anything simply began fingering herself in earnest. There was a small part of him that wanted to tell her to stop, rein her power in so he could move, he squashed it ruthlessly. This was what he’d asked for and backing down wasn’t an option. At that thought his own magic surged through him bolstering the power that he’d already filled the room with from the release of his limiter freeing him from the immobilization while his green eyes began glowing with power.

Ciri seeing this removed her fingers from her cunt before taking them in her mouth and sucking them clean of her juices being lying back on the desk with her feet on the edge and legs spread open. Accepting the obvious invitation he stepped between her legs releasing his magic and pushing inside of her.


Ciri threw her head back as the curse left her lips, the combination of his magic and the force of his entry was enough to warrant it. She was incredibly tight and the warm wetness that enveloped him would be enough to make most cum early. Harry didn’t even pause fueled by the combination of their magic he simply grabbed her hips and set a hard pace from the start using his grip to pull her down into each thrust and push her up each time he pulled out.

Her first orgasm hit her completely by surprise causing Ciri to scream as he head fell back over the edge of the desk. Harry felt his own orgasm coming but was able to force it back through sheer force of will fucking Ciri through her orgasm. As her legs began to fall at his sides Harry paused just long enough to grab them and move her legs, crossing them and placing them over his shoulders then wrapping his arms around her thighs he started right back up. Pulling out until just the tip remained he slammed back inside quickly getting back to his previous pace and with practically no time to recover Ciri quickly found herself racing towards her second orgasm.


Following the warning she came so hard it put the previous one to shame her pussy gushing as she had a squirting orgasm causing her to let out a magic enhanced scream that could be heard clear through the castle. At the same time Harry lost the battle to hold back his own orgasm blasting her insides with his release causing both of them to glow golden just a few moments before her magic exploded outward in a wave that raced through the walls of the small office and covered the entire castle.

Unknown to the two teens Hogwarts froze as the power washed across everything. The staircases and the people on them stopped mid-action, those still dancing and enjoying themselves in the Great Hall froze as well. Headmistress McGonagall and Professor Sprout stopped mid-stride within the Entrance Hall, while within the Transfiguration Courtyard Hagrid and Madam Maxine froze just as they were about to kiss. On the second floor within Myrtle’s bathroom Dean Thomas froze with his head thrown back mid orgasm while Megan Jones and Leanne Foster were also frozen, eyes closed and mouths open while Dean’s release was frozen in the air. Above them the ghostly form of Myrtle froze floating in the air one hand fondling an exposed breast while the other hand was buried between her legs.

Within their room in the Slytherin Bonded Quarters Sally Sterling froze head thrown back mid-moan palming one of her breasts while Draco was also frozen face down in her cunt. At the same time within the Lion’s Den Alicia Spinnet could be seen frozen naked between Fred and George Weasley with one cock in her cunt and the other in her ass. Angelina was not far from them just as nude one leg hiked up with a hand buried within her folds as she watched. Then it was over and things resumed as if nothing ever happened.

In the heart of London and the depths of the Department of Mysteries one of the workers known as an Unspeakable stopped as a massive spike of Time Magic was detected at Hogwarts. It didn’t last long only about seven seconds but they noted down all of the information and moved to inform their supervisor anyway as Hogwarts shouldn’t currently have anything capable of such a disturbance.

Amelia Bones had changed her work habits after being bonded. Whereas before she would have more than likely been found within her office at the DMLE even at this late hour that was no longer true. Instead she was now spending her evenings with her bonded leaving the office no later than six in the evening.

“She’s gotten better hasn’t she?”

“She certainly has, though that was expected.”

Amelia did her best to not react to the people talking about her as if she wasn’t in the room and instead focused on her attention on the cock in her mouth. Slowly she went down taking more in pushing past the point where she would previously gag and pull back and instead going forward until her lips were kissing the base. Pulling back up she did her best to breathe through her nose before descending once more.

“You’ve certainly trained her throat well.” Said Sirius getting a smile from Narcissa.

“To be fair I didn’t do much just provided a few tools and pointers that she asked for.” Said Narcissa.

“Really?” questioned Sirius.

“Yes. Though she didn’t like her lack of skill compared to me, I think the knowledge that her niece was a better cock sucker than she was hit a nerve.” Said Narcissa.

Amelia ignored it, knowing by now the comment was meant to get her to react. She’d never claimed such a thing, though the fact that she’d seen Susan sucking Harry’s cock and deepthroating him with ease certainly had played a part. She had also been a bit jealous with Narcissa’s skill, though the fact Sirius first started training her almost two full decades before alleviated that jealousy a fair bit. Still that combined with her own sense of pride had forced her down this path. Her thoughts were brought to a halt as Sirius gripped both sides of her head and she had only a moment to relax before he started fucking her throat.

The Prefects Bathroom had been empty when they arrived, making use of one of the secret passageways to make it to the fifth floor instead of going the normal route. While none of the members of the Potter Coven were currently prefects Katie had been given the password by Angelina who as a Quidditch team captain was given the password. Outside of the locker rooms at the Quidditch pitch this was the only bathroom that was co-ed and Dora hit the door with Auror grade security spells as soon as they realized they had the place to themselves.

At the moment the metamorphmagus was in her natural form leaning back from the edge of the large pool and kissing Penny while Fleur was in the pool with her head between Dora’s legs. Padma and Parvati were with Susan both of whom had taken one of her breasts in their mouths while Sue Li was making out with Daphne. Katie was openly fingering herself on the edge of the pool and Hermione was taking it all in. They must have made quite a sight, ten naked witches playing with themselves or each other at the edge of a large pool.

While she was definitely turned on Hermione was hesitant to join in the revelry. She’d never had much interest in other girls aside from a small bit of curiosity when her dormmates had started kissing each other. That curiosity had only grown since the first time Dora kissed her and all of the kisses she’d received from the other girls since. She had never been the one to initiate anything with the other bonded and aside from with Harry she hadn’t done more than kiss any of them. Katie was the only one who pushed her for more and to this point the only one to have gone down on her, though not the only one to express interest in doing so.

Looking over she was just in time to see Parvati slip into the water before her head descended between her sister’s legs. Padma moaned before her lips were captured by Susan’s and another moan had her looking over to see Daphne’s head between Sue Li’s legs. Summoning her Gryffindor courage she moved through the water and approached Katie who was looking at her with hooded eyes. She placed herself right between Katie’s legs and leaned forward claiming the other girls lips.

Breaking the kiss she blazed a trail of kisses down her neck to the center of her chest before taking one of her breasts in her mouth. Katie moaned a sound that only inspired the bookworm to do more as she moved to the other breast sucking and circling the nipple with her tongue. Pulling away after what could have been minutes or even seconds Hermione licked a trail down from her breasts through the center of Katie’s four pack abs until she came to her pubic mound. Katie had a small patch of brown hair above her pussy which Hermione pulled back to avoid, taking a breath Hermione extended her tongue and licked the length of Katie’s pussy from bottom to the top.

When Ciri recovered from her orgasm she found Harry was sitting in a chair behind the desk breathing heavily. Standing she had to hold the desk for a moment as her legs were weak but eventually she was able to stabilize herself. She paused as she caught sight of herself in the mirror on the wall, what had given her pause was that her choker had changed, where before the number ‘5’ had been in the center it had been replaced by a symbol she hadn’t seen or thought about in a very long time. Of all the symbols that she was associated with the one on her choker was the last one she expected as ‘The Great Sun’ the symbol of her biological father was the one she associated the least.

Ignoring it for a later problem she turned to Harry to find that he was practically asleep. Grabbing her wand she conjured a cushion on the floor before placing her wand on the table and kneeling on the cushion. Grabbing hold of his cock she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the crown before trailing kisses down the shaft to his balls taking one in her mouth. Once Harry stirred and was looking at her instead of the back of his eyelids she licked a trail up to the crown before taking the head into her mouth.

She started slowly taking him to the base on the first descent but began picking up speed each time she pulled back and went back down. Before long the sounds of her sucking his cock and Harry’s breathing were the only sounds in the room.


Harry gripped the armrest on the chair tightly as Ciri gagged on his cock doing his best to stop his hips from thrusting into her. Pulling back she took him out her mouth, large strands of saliva connecting them before they broke falling half on Harry’s cock and half down Ciri’s chin and down to her breasts. Standing she turned so her back was facing him before backing up, Harry seeing her plan grabbed her hips and guided her down while Ciri grabbed his cock and guided him to her entrance before sinking down.

Once she was fully settled down Ciri moved her legs so they were outside of Harry’s own and placing her hands on Harry’s knees began to slowly bounce on his cock using her feet to push up. As she rode him Harry slipped his left arm through the gap between her own left arm and side allowing him to palm one of her breasts. Arching her back at the contact the white-haired witch began to bounce harder especially as his other hand slipped forward and quickly found her clit.

The sounds of flesh colliding echoed through the room along with her moans as she picked up speed bouncing on his cock going up nearly to the head each time she ascended. The entire time she went she watched herself in the mirror until finally she threw her head back as another orgasm hit triggering Harry’s own causing him to spray her insides once more.

It was nearly eleven o’clock when the last of them stepped through the Floo and into Potter Manor. The rest of the Potter Coven met them just as Harry and Ciri were emerging from the office once more fully dressed. Without a word Fleur had approached Ciri and pulled her into a heated kiss that nearly led the two of them back into the office. Following Fleur each of the girls took their turn kissing Ciri and adding her to the full bond. Once that was done they made their way to the Gryffindor Common Room where a smaller, more informal party was taking place.

They only stayed for a little over an hour before calling it a night, though Harry did trek into the Lion’s Den and retrieve two vials of Stamina Potions before leaving. While all of the girls with the exception of Ciri currently had their own room in the Manor none of them headed towards their own room. Instead all of them headed towards the Master Suite, which is why Harry grabbed two vial, while a single vial of the potion could fuel someone for up to three hours which this group Harry didn’t know if that would be enough time, thus the second vial. What he did know is that the crash he would have afterwards would be worth it, especially since he wasn’t mixing them with anything like a lust potion.

As they reached the Master Suite dresses almost immediately began hitting the floor and Harry quickly locked down the room, both sealing the doors so they wouldn’t open from the outside and making it so no noise escaped the room. That done he fished the vials from his pocket placing one down on the dresser and downing the other just before he found himself naked and pulled towards the bed by an eager Parvati.

Once Again With Feeling - Chapter 16 - SavageThor - Harry Potter (2025)


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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

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Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.